Implementation of interventions
Implementation of interventions
Evaluate implementation of evidence-based fall prevention interventions
A physiotherapy led telehealth and exercise intervention to improve mobility in older people receiving aged care services: an effectiveness and implementation randomised controlled trial.
Researcher –Mr Rik Dawson
(CRE Higher Degree Research Candidate)
Throughout his CRE Scholarship, Rik worked with his supervisors Professor Sherrington and Dr Pinheiro, and other CRE collaborators, Professor Naganathan and Dr Taylor, to develop the ethics application and trial protocol. The TOP UP Study received ethics approval from Concord Hospital HREC in May 2021. He has commenced recruitment and currently has 242 participants randomised and enjoying the intervention. We are fortunate to obtain in-kind support from Whiddon, St Luke’s, and Ashfield Baptist Homes who purchased the iPads and provide aged care staff support to enable the physiotherapy zoom assessments and weekly exercise supervision. Working with Professor Delbaere from NeuRA he will be using the StandingTall app in the study to enhance participant exercise adherence.
The TOP UP program is a supported virtual care program that connects aged care service users with physiotherapists via Zoom. TOP UP aims to improve mobility, reduce falls and enhance quality of life via telehealth physiotherapy. Older adults are provided with mobile-connected iPads so they can receive 10 physiotherapy assessments over 6 months and follow simple elder-friendly exercise videos. The aged care service users are supported weekly by a trained support worker who helps them log onto Zoom and provides local support for the physiotherapy-led balance and mobility assessments and coaching to motivate them to exercise safely.

It’s Never too Late Video
Grants Awarded
Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration Pilot Grant titled, “A physiotherapy-led telehealth and exercise intervention to improve mobility in older people receiving aged care services: an effectiveness and implementation randomised controlled trial (The TOP UP Study. Pinheiro, Dawson, Rayner, Sherrington). $75000 September 2022.
TOP UP program study approach was supported by the Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) with a funding package of $160 000 for the 2023 year.